CORE Leaders

Sarah Champlin

About Us

CORE Leaders are those high schoolers who plan and lead out for our midweek meetings, including Faith234 (grades 2–4), MSYG (grades 5–6), and JYG (grades 7–8). This year’s registration to join CORE is open until Thursday, August 1, 2024. Please contact Sarah Champlin for more information. Registration is below.


Registration for CORE Leaders

CORE Leaders are our team of skilled & dedicated high school helpers who plan and lead our Wednesday evening youth groups. This includes helping set up and clean up snacks and dinner, leading prayer, leading games, and serving as a point of connection and support for the youth who attend our programming. CORE Leaders commit to consistently showing up on Wednesday evenings for youth group and a short debrief afterwards, as well as other leadership tasks as assigned.
Active members of the CORE leadership team are exempt from the service hours requirement for the IMPACT mission trip.

Our Wednesday evening youth groups:
Faith234, 4–4:45 p.m. (2nd–4th grade)
MSYG, 5:15–6:15 p.m. (5th & 6th grade)
JYG, 6:30–8 p.m. (7th & 8th grade)

Thank you for considering CORE leadership! We are excited to receive your application.



Sarah Champlin