Sarah Champlin, Minister of Youth, Young Adults, and Mission
One of our most special services of worship of the year is coming up this week: Youth Sunday! For those unfamiliar, Youth Sunday invites members of the junior high and high school youth group to take over the worship services (both 8:30 and 10 a.m.) and run them by themselves. That’s right: the youth will be your ushers, your liturgists, your choir, and even your preachers. It’s a beautiful day that showcases the abundant gifts of the young people of Kenilworth Union Church—so don’t miss it!
This upcoming Sunday is special to me for more than one reason. When I accepted the role of Youth Minister at this time last year, Youth Sunday was the first Kenilworth Union worship service I watched from my apartment in Boston. Listening to the seniors preach about how this church had raised them up and supported them through their faith journey warmed my heart. I had already suspected that I made the right choice in accepting this job, and witnessing Youth Sunday confirmed it for me. It proved to me that this church understands that youth are not just our future but our living, breathing present. They are equipped with gifts for ministry right now, just the way they are. Our young people are shaping this church just as actively as it is shaping them.
I have the privilege of listening to our youth share their stories pretty often in the time I spend with them. I am constantly floored by their depth, their wisdom, their curiosity, and their faith. Our high schoolers are not always front-and-center in the sanctuary. More often their ministry shines during non-worship hours: welcoming each other in youth group, participating in community service projects, and volunteering with our children’s ministries, among other things. In so many ways, they embody the life of our church which stretches far and wide outside of Sunday mornings. They point their community to God not just by their words but by their deeds and their whole being. Yet on this special Sunday, they can recognize themselves as what we already know them to be: true leaders of the church. On Sunday they become messengers of the Word of God for the whole congregation to see. I hope you can join me in celebrating their remarkable leadership this Sunday!