Wonder-ing into the New Year


By the Reverend Christine V. Hides

Chalking the door is an Epiphany tradition my family enjoys. On our front door we write “C+M+B,” an acronym for “Christus Mansionem Benedicat,” which means “May Christ bless this dwelling.” We say a short prayer asking that God’s comfort and presence be known to those who cross our threshold in the year ahead.

John Westerhoff says, “On Christmas we celebrate God’s coming to us. On Epiphany we celebrate our going to God.” In the United States, this Christian feast day which marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas is forgotten, overshadowed by the bustle of preparation and gift giving that begins at Thanksgiving. Our life with God is a relationship, one in which we are inspired to respond to God’s unconditional love and grace with our worship, our gratitude, and our generosity. Epiphany is an opportunity to take notice if we are moving in the direction of the divine or if we have gotten off our desired path.

As we read the familiar story of the journey of the wise men who brought gifts to the Christ child, how might we take notice of the gifts Epiphany brings to our lives? This in-between moment, when the decorations are put away and the suitcases of college students are packed, but the regular schedule has not yet resumed offers the opportunity to map out the coming year’s faith journey, our movement toward God.

Having just crossed the threshold into the New Year, let us resolve anew to orient our lives toward God. This Sunday’s sermon “Story of Wonder,” focuses on engaging with the familiar story of the magi, that sacred scripture might guide us on the lifelong journey of discipleship, our “going to God.”

Epiphany Home Blessing: 20+C+M+B+20

God of light, bless our home. Bless all who come and go through this door, both those who live here and those who visit. May all who enter through this door come in peace and find love and light. May the love and joy in this home overflow and spread. Christ has come to dwell in this home and in these hearts. Amen.

December 31, 2019

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