Connect: The Artist’s Way: We Are on Our Way
October 10
Some of us were giddy with delight at having written three pages each day for seven days; when we had no confidence we could have completed one page or one day. Bravo for perseverance. Hold to this thought. You can do this and will continue to be delighted at what you learn about yourself.
We shared the wide variety of Artist’s Dates. The Chicago Botanic Garden was a destination as well as art museums. One person admired and arranged hydrangeas. Music restores the soul whether in playing the piano or listening to Jessye Norman. Be intentional in carving time to play with your inner child and with God.
During Week One: Recovering a Sense of Safety, we were to notice our blurts. Blurts slip out of our mouths to destroy us. Notice these. Be aware of what you say to yourself. We were also to explore the affirmations within the text and provided on a handout. These affirmations describe our creative potential and relationship with God. Keep these handy. Also make sure to write your list of imaginary lives. This will be enhanced several times.
In Week Two: Recovering a Sense of Identity, think about your crazymakers and self-doubts. How have these demons shaped you? What would Jesus say to you about them? He cares about your learning to see yourself as he sees you.
Lastly, a reminder I believe we all understand. We are sharing tender experiences. Please hold them with confidence and care. We are learning to let something be exposed to light that has long been hidden.
See you Wednesday October 16 at 2 p.m.
Connect: The Artist’s Way