Week Six

Connect: The Artist’s Way: Recovering a Sense of Abundance

November 7

How big is God?

How generous is God?

These are some of the questions we are being asked to explore in our Morning Pages. Last week as we considered “Recovering a Sense of Possibilities,” one of the tasks was to write five reasons we are angry with God. Grievances. Some shied away from the task. Is it because we already worship an omnipotent God, merciful and just, creator and sustainer, celestial and intimate? Or, are we still not sure what we expect from God?

We are not to put this question behind us. This week, “Recovering a Sense of Abundance,” asks to ponder in our Morning Pages the god we believe in and the god we would like to believe in (p.106). How is this belief impacting your prayers for others AND FOR YOURSELF?

Let’s remember in our faith history, God appeared to the unlikely Abram and Sari, old beyond adventure, and called them both to open their lives to new life, be blessed, and become a blessing. Their names were later changed to Abraham and Sarah, signifying their new roles.

The story of the nation of Israel’s birth begins in 1 Samuel with Hannah’s womb being opened after a lifetime of barrenness. In an unlikely woman, this nation was born.

Luke’s gospel begins with Elizabeth and Zechariah’s prayers being answered for a child after a lifetime of disappointment.

The story of our faith praises a God who is involved in our wombs and lives in unexpected ways.

Connect: The Artist’s Way

November 7, 2019

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