Prayers of the People November 14, 2021

The Reverend Dr. Katie Snipes Lancaster

God, we long to hear the timbre of your voice,
an echo of love deep within,
where we meet your divine presence
and can rest with ease.

We long to know your gentle song,
an all-embracing
and unexpected light received freely.

We long for your companionship,
your presence on this sacred journey,
where the struggles of life
can be handed over to you,
full stop,
and we can know your incarnate presence.

Be with us, O God.
Be with us in the safety and shelter of this sanctuary.
Let your spirit fall upon us.
Be with us as we lift our voices in song.
Be with us as we lift our worries to you.
Be with us as we admit our failings.

Be with us, in the silence of this sacred place where we can bring it all to you.

Hear our prayer for this world: for the place of unending destruction and pollution, Lord hear our prayer.

For the places of violence, where sleep is shattered by fear and the sound of threat, Lord hear our prayer.

For the places of grief, where loss is fresh, or long held, Lord hear our prayer.

For the intense longing we carry within us for a better way, Lord hear our prayer.

Let us be your hands and feet, O Christ.

Let us be the change, O God.

Let us be instruments in the sacred song of love that we know is possible in your sheltering love.

Let us be, O God.

Make us holy.
Make us ready.
Make us part of your vision.
Strengthen us for the journey ahead.

And give us your peace that passes all understanding, as we pray together the prayer Jesus teaches us, saying… Our Father…

November 14, 2021

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