Our Youth and Their Fire for Worship!

Image Bearer: Youth Ecumenical Revival

What happens when you put a gospel-raised theater kid in a youth director position who is on fire for the Lord? You get some fire worship experiences! One of my favorite moments from working at Kenilworth Union came on the first mission trip I went on. I was given charge of planning and leading worship during our daily evening worship experiences. One night, I had one of our youth lead one of my favorite songs, “He Will Hold Me Fast” (click the link to see some of our worship from Hawaii). From that moment on, I saw that there was a fire within our youth for worship and for experiencing God within their world.

I’ve been waiting for this moment, and I’m excited to share it with you. We will be gathering this Sunday to have our own youth worship-revival night. We will have music led by our Jr. Board leaders, and I’ll be putting a puzzle together and talking about #images of God within all of us. It is going to be a time of ecstatic worship that reaffirms the Spirit and refreshes the mind, and you won’t want to miss it!

The best part: We are being joined by youth ministers and youth from some of our local churches in the area; i.e. Christ Church Winnetka, and Holy Comforter Episcopal. Hopefully this is the beginning of many ecumenical youth events. 

I encourage all high school youth to come out (this will count as an hour of service for any youth wanting to register for the mission trip), as well as any alumni who are in the area are welcome to join. And you! Yes you, the parents and guardians are welcome to join us. We would love for you to be a part of this worship experience with us! I hope to see you here at Kenilworth Union Church, Sunday, October 29 at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary!

October 26, 2023

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