New Year’s Resolutions

Sarah Champlin, Minister of Youth, Young Adults, and Mission

Sarah Champlin
Minister of Youth, Young Adults, and Mission

Grant that I may pass through the coming year with a faithful heart.

This is the first line of one of my favorite prayers by Howard Thurman, theologian and former dean of my alma mater, Boston University School of Theology. I read this prayer many times throughout the year, but I find it particularly resonant at the turn of the new year. I love to make New Year’s resolutions. I think it’s a great excuse to dream about the future and set goals to make those dreams happen. I make sure my goals are S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). Otherwise, how will I know when I’ve accomplished them?!

The goal of passing through the year with a faithful heart is not a S.M.A.R.T. goal. How do I measure the amount of faith in a heart? What kind of time-bound deadline am I supposed to set for myself? What are the specific tasks required of me to achieve a faithful heart? These aren’t the kind of questions I can answer well. However, while it may not be a S.M.A.R.T. goal, I believe it is a wise one.

Passing through the coming year with a faithful heart requires that I check in with my heart, and with God, regularly. It requires that everything I do come from a core of faithfulness within me. It requires practicing prayer and discernment. Because of these requirements, I believe that a faithful heart undergirds all the other S.M.A.R.T. goals I set for myself this year.

As you and your family discern what it means to pass through the coming year with a faithful heart, I hope you know that Kenilworth Union Church is here to accompany you through the journey! I pray that your family finds something that ignites your hearts this year! Newness springs forth at Kenilworth Union. Come and see!

January 9, 2024

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