Sunday, October 6, 2019
Day 5: Kenilworth pilgrims celebrated World Communion Sunday at the Fort Augustus Kirk of Scotland, Inverness where the Reverend Anthony Jones preached an elegant sermon about the feeding of the 4,000. His congregation welcomed us warmly. Kathy Evertsberg and Beverly Jones share notes on the special responsibility a wife of a Pastor has. Bill Evertsberg visits with Catherine the organist who played a Purcell postlude, fittingly and beautifully.
In the little west coast port of Oban we catch the ferry over to the Isle of Mull, the weather is misty with a sprinkle here and there, but we were rewarded with the joy of sighting a rainbow over the town on the Isle of Mull.
1. Fort Augustus Kirk of Scotland; 2. Church Sign; 3. Ferry Ride to the Isle of Mull; 4. The Reverend Anthony Jones; 5. Beverly Jones; 6. Catherine, The Organist at Fort Augustus; 7. Rainbow over Mull