How to Really Love a Child

The Reverend Christine V. Hides

“If they are crabby, put them in water.” This is an enduring piece of parenting advice that I received at my baby shower, by way of a print by the artist Sark. When the long summer days get a little blah and we find our tempers a bit shorter, there is nothing like splashing in a pool or the lake. Just adding water can bring a joyful smile. Even a garden hose or a kitchen sink will do in a pinch.

Knowing that Children and Family Ministry offerings have been intentionally predictable and routine lately, we want to tap into the joyful enthusiasm that simple changes can bring as the summer draws to a close. While we may not be able to gather for a water fight, we are hoping to find God’s gifts of joy in other ways. Here is a peek at what is in store over the next few weeks.

Sunday, August 2 at 9:15 a.m. Special Online Family Chapel: We’ll be kicking off our CommUNITY Allies self-paced VBS with activities and movement. Have a paper plate (or circle) and crayons or markers ready for mask making. Email Greta Connor for access to all the VBS activities.

Canceled Sunday, August 9 at 9:30 a.m. CommUNITY Allies Rally: Join us for a socially distant, interactive, and worshipful time in the backyard of the Manse. Families will bring their own blankets or chairs, wear masks, and remain in their designated area for the 30-minute service.

Canceled Sunday, August 16 at 9:30 a.m. Worshipful Walk: Meeting location TBD. Let’s take a walk! A short prayer will start promptly at 9:35 a.m. Households will then walk together, at their own pace and distance. A reflection prompt will be provided if you choose to discuss as you go. Please follow local mask and social distance guidelines. Led by Christine Hides.

Sunday, August 30, 9:30 a.m. Back to School Blessing in the Memorial Garden: Reservation link and additional information will be provided the week before.

Note: Fall Faith Formation (Sunday School) registration and plans will be shared the week of August 20.

August 1, 2020

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