Green Team/A Just Harvest Update

from Katie Nahrwold and King Poor

The Kenilworth Union Green Team is partnering with longtime benevolence agency A Just Harvest (AJH) in a new way: by supporting their outdoor growing spaces. In recent years, AJH has expanded its mission to include growing its own food at three nearby community gardens. And our Green Team thought that now would be the time to start gardening with one of our benevolences.

On July 1, Melanie Earle, Libby Graham, and Jack Graham joined us in Rogers Park to help AJH clear a parking lot that will make way for new infrastructure including a farm stand; we also secured their hoop house and improved the parking area. We worked with the AJH team to clear trash, pull weeds, and cut down bushes and overgrown plants while leaving milkweed around the perimeter. Pictures from the day can be viewed here.

Our AJH friends very much appreciated our help and we all look forward to working together in their gardens more this summer. You can learn more about their urban agriculture program and growing spaces here. We are looking for volunteers who can help on these dates between 10 a.m.–12 p.m.: July 15 or 29, August 12 or 26. Anyone interested in helping with this wonderful “green” mission, please contact Katie Nahrwold.

July 8, 2021

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