Fruits of the Spirit: Faithfulness


By The Reverend Dr. Katie Snipes Lancaster

I’ve owned refrigerator alphabet magnets since before I became a parent, but suddenly, they are an easy distraction during dinner time prep. We also have bathtub foam letters, and a dozen “A is for…” alphabet books. The intangible—language—becomes tangible: letters to hold and throw and taste and see at bath time, bed time and dinner time.

I think this week’s Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness is similar. It is completely intangible. And yet, how do we make faithfulness tangible for toddlers and third graders and young parents and octogenarians?

  • Hold hands at dinner, and speak aloud words of gratitude ending with “Amen.”
  • Show up to a sacred place and sing ancient songs together.
  • Read ancient stories filled with people who remind us what love, forgiveness and humanness looks like.
  • Help people.

Faithfulness Activities

For me, faithfulness is about practice. And, there are so many ways to practice. What activities in faithfulness has your family cultivated?

  • Commit to saying a meal time prayer as a family three times this week.
  • Walk our labyrinth with your child telling them that God is with us when we walk together and God is with us no matter what.
  • Commit to attending worship three times this summer, whether at Kenilworth Union, or while you are on vacation (trying out a church while you are away from home can hold holy surprises).
  • Have a family conversation asking one another “What was your high for the day? What was your low for the day? Where did you see God today?”
July 15, 2019

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