As a reminder, masks are required for all groups on campus at all times. As we move forward in the reopening process we will continue to follow the state and federal guidelines as well as Jesus’ command to love and care for our neighbors.
Click here for more COVID-19 Safety Guidelines from the CDCPHA+Jm5ic3A7PC9wPg==
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
As we are commanded to love God and our neighbor, let us demonstrate that by taking safe, healthy precautions upon gathering.
What options do I have for Sunday worship?
Outdoor worship is held in the Memorial Garden on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. weather permitting. A livestream worship service will continue to broadcast livestream at 9:30 a.m. In-person 10:30 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary requires reservations.
Tuesday Mid-Day Prayer Service is in-house and livestreamed at 12:15 p.m.
Is it safe for me to come to events at Kenilworth Union?
Kenilworth Union is adhering to all guidelines created by the State of Illinois and the Center for Disease Control. However it is up to you to determine if you feel safe. If you are at risk for any reason, please join us through our many virtual livestreams and gatherings. If you have been exposed to COVID-19 or anyone in your household is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home and join us via livestream or online gathering.
What do I need to do to attend Outdoor Worship?
Wear a mask and bring your own chair. Arrive early at the little girl statue by the sanctuary doors so an usher can escort you to your place. There will be no paper bulletins, but you can access the outdoor bulletin on your phone by using the QR code supplied by the ushers or print it out at home before you come (but please, do not pass or share with others). Afterward, an usher will escort you out, and we respectfully ask attendees to avoid congregating as there will be no socializing or fellowship.
What do I need to do to enter the building for a prayer service, meeting, or other indoor event?
Most in-person gatherings are online check the calendar frequently to learn how to attend an event. For the few remaining events, the only open entrance will be at the main south door. Please check in at the front desk wearing a mask and stay at least six feet away from other people or groups. You may not shake hands, share food or other items, or otherwise physically contact others. Groups and meetings will not exceed 50 people. Expect that an usher may walk you in and out; groups may not stay to socialize. While a soloist may sing there will be no congregational singing but please reply responsively in group prayers.
Why is there no choral music or congregational singing?
Singing and wind instruments increase risk of contagion due to the virus-laden water droplets and aerosols they have the potential to generate. For the safety of both choristers and congregants, music ministry singing will be performed only by soloists.
What do I do if I develop COVID-19 symptoms after a Kenilworth Union event?
If you develop signs and symptoms of COVID-19 within 48 hours of attending an event, whether or not you test positive, please notify Karen Gaynor in the church office at 847-853-2636. If you test positive within 14 days of attending an event, please notify the church office. This is for the safety of the congregation and staff and your identity will not be revealed to the congregation.
For more information please contact the task force.
Posted on July 8, 2020