Daily Prayer 365

Day 41
Tuesday, October 11, 2022


I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us. —Romans 8:18

God cannot be arrived at but can only come to us. God is, in a word, personal. Prayer is the practice of being formed into capable recipients of God’s life. If there is much in us that must be undone or transformed in order for us to become such recipients, we can expect the process to be slow and even painful at times. —Jeff Vogel, Christian Century, June 10, 2015, “Manufactured disruption: Why we keep checking our phones”

Form us O Glory. Receive us. Reveal yourself to us. Slow us. Transform us. Amen. —The Reverend Dr. Katie Snipes Lancaster

October 11, 2022

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