AJN Preschool Brings Laughter Wonder and Joy


By Amy Castino, Director of A Joyful Noise Preschool

After six months and a lot of hard work, we are thrilled that A Joyful Noise Preschool reopened this week. It is so heart-warming to welcome the children back into our building, hear their laughter, and witness their wonder and joy amidst this completely unprecedented time.

To keep the little ones and their teachers safe, we have staggered drop-off and pick-up times and do verbal and visual health inspections every day. Teachers wear masks for the full day and children wear face coverings as much as possible, including when entering, exiting, and in all common spaces. Children remain with their own class to prevent any possible cross-contamination, and staff follow strict cleaning procedures during and between classes. We have restructured our days to spend as much time as possible outside.

Due to DCFS regulations, we have made many adjustments. In an effort to be as safe and mindful as we can, we have decided to be conservative this year and focus on our core classes, which means we have suspended our extensive programs and afternoon enrichments that we have had in years past. While this isn’t the year we had planned, we are still grateful for the opportunity to be together.

As with everything in life, the children have shown remarkable resilience and excitement regarding these changes. Their adaptability and positivity is inspiring, and we are so looking forward to learning and growing with them. We will gladly accept your prayers for a smooth, healthy year, and we greatly appreciate the support of the Kenilworth Union community.

Posted on September 11, 2020

September 11, 2020

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